Thursday, May 28, 2009

Did you know?...

1 in 150 births

1-1.5million Americans have

Fastest growing mental disabilities

10%-17% annual growth

$90 billion cost/yearly

Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention

In 10 years, the annual cost will be $200-400 billion

Autism is 4-5 times more prevalent in males than in females.

Presently, there is no cure for autism. However, there are various treatment options to ameliorate the symptoms.

Presently, there is no known single cause for autism. However, autism is not caused environmentally by a child's upbringing.

Research indicates that people with autism learn best through a structured environment.

Autism occurs in all countries and within all socioeconomic classes.

Research indicates that the earlier the intervention, the better for people with autism.

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